The National Pastime # 15 Print
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PagesTitleAuthorPeople Mentioned
10(3)An Afternoon With Bill ChamberlainThompson, DickChamberlain, Bill
100(2)Remembering Waite HoytKnight, TomHoyt, Waite
102(4)Goslin Vs. ManushSimon, TomGoslin, Goose; Manush, Heinie
106(5)The Forgotten PitcherHofmann, Herbert S. "Shan"Bunning, Jim
111(1)A Bad Year For CatchersStorey, Keith 
112(2)Russ Christopher - Courageous AthleteTekulsky, Joseph D.Christopher, Russ
114(4)The A.L.'s 1935 Batting RacesKrevisky, Steve 
117(1)New York OdditiesKeeley, Jack 
118(2)Nobody Did It BetterNelson, DonKlein, Chuck
120(4)Philadelphia's PythiansCasway, JerroldCatto, Octavius
123(1)Dolly Does The Play-by-PlayKissel, Tony 
124(3)Joe BaumanRives, BobBauman, Joe
126(1)Maybe He Had A Lousy PersonalityGagnon, CappyHarvey, Ervin
127(2)On The Hot SeatThornley, Stew 
129(2)Ted Lyons' Complete Season Of 1942Spatz, LyleLyons, Ted
13(6)A Forgotten Boston Pennant RaceBeverage, Dick 
131(2)Bound For The KlondikeKissel, Tony 
133(3)The 1942 Pennant RaceBoren, Stephen D. And Thomas 
136(5)Building A ChampionKleinknecht, Merl F.Hayes, Wilbur
141(3)Kings Of The HillTenbarge, Lawrence 
144(2)Bosey BergerRosenberg, NatBerger, Boze
146(3)Pittsburgh, 1887Fulton, Bob 
149(2)Swish NicholsonMayer, BobNicholson, Bill
151(3)The College And The SemiprosPayne, Martin 
153(1)Wamby Could've Done It By HimselfCarlson, Jack 
154(3)The 1950 Detroit TigersOkkonen, Marc 
156(1)A Concessionaire's DreamMcDonald, David 
157(1)In Praise Of EmulsionRucker, Mark 
19(2)Ring Lardner And The "Br'er Rabbit Ball"Malley, TerenceLardner, Ring
21(3)Cobb Never Supported CochraneMacht, Norman L.Cobb, Ty; Cochrane, Mickey
24(8)Baker BowlDoyle, Edward F. "Dutch" 
32(2)Elmer FlickLongert, ScottFlick, Elmer
34(4)Captain Anson's PlatoonNawrocki, TomAnson, Cap
38(3)Notes On The Uniform DistributionKing, David C. 
40(1)A Marriage Made In HeavenGold, Eddie 
41(2)Roy ThomasMoses, Ralph C.Thomas, Roy Allen
43(2)The Greatest Fielding Outfielder Of AllMathers, JerryAshburn, Richie
45(6)Harry Who?Selko, JamieHeilmann, Harry
5(5)The Brattleboro IslandersKearney, SeamusBreckenridge, E.L.
51(4)One Team, Two FieldsBoynton, Bob 
55(4)Not Bad For A Beer LeagueShipley, Robert E. 
59(6)The 25th Infantry Regiment Takes The FieldMalloy, JerryRogan, Bullet
65(3)I Did The Best I CouldOlson, Gordon And Frank SchubertHowell, Sidney
68(3)Jackie Robinson And The 1941 Honolulu BearsArdolino, FrankRobinson, Jackie
71(3)Joss Vs. WalshFarmer, TedJoss, Addie; Walsh, Ed
74(6)The Baron Of The BullpenOrlansky, Fredric E.Face, Roy
80(5)The 1949 Nashua DodgersRoper, Scott 
85(3)Eppa RixeyDriver, DavidRixey, Eppa
88(3)Hal Chase In VictoriaLa Casse, GeoffChase, Hal
9(1)Rubes On The Mound, 1901-1919Gagnon, Cappy 
91(5)More Negro Leaguers For The HallHolway, John B.Suttles, Mule; Rogan, Bullet; Wells, Willie; Wilson, Jud; Brown, Willard; Stearnes, Turkey; Torriente, Cristobal; Mackey, Biz; Beckwith, John; Foster, Bill; Wilkinson, J.L.
96(1)Odwell's RunFlannery, AlbertOdwell, Fred
97(3)One Of Baseball's Odd LivesMorris, PeterWalker, Wallie